Slow eat academy
Slow eat academy is an initiative led by HEXO SOLUTIONS a Morrocco-based company. The project aims to trains populations and raise awareness on local consumption and the respect of the environment.
Overview of the project
The main goal of the Slow Academy project is to raise the public awareness through various trainings.
These trainings include:
- creating links with local produce
- respecting the environment
- choosing a healthy and no-waste diet
To do so, the organisation reached out to chefs, lecturers and speakers who can all organise and moderate various workshops for students and continue to give trainings on subjects that are closely linked to the environment.
Education on the respect of the environment
Feasibility study, diagnosis
The organisation gained a hundred interns and teachers from all over Morrocco and implemented cooking initiatives that are based on the use of local produce bought at local farms in order to respect nature. They also have launched initiatives to battle food waste especially to help people in need.
Bring rural areas and town closer together by enhancing farmers’ work.
Company's own funds.
Company specialised in providing software for restaurants, hotels and catering and also specialised in trainings teachers from institutes and universities from hospitality management sectors.