Support for the Development of the Action Plan for Access to Sustainable Energy and the Climate (APASEC) for the city of Tsévié, Togo

OPED-Togo (Organisation Pour l'Environnement et le Développement durable/ Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable Development) is helping the municipality of Tsévié to become aware of climate change related risks and to link them to the needs and demands of the local population.

An initiative of OPED-Togo (Organisation Pour l'Environnement et le Développement durable/ Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable Development)

Overview of the project

Our experience focuses on climate and energy planning at the local level in order to realise national political ambitions in the fight against climate change. Indeed, the municipality of Tsévié is very vulnerable to climate change. The major climate risks identified are drought, floods, high temperatures, seasonal shifts, poor rainfall distribution and strong winds. Deforestation and forest clearance are dangers increasing this vulnerability and exposing the population to the negative impacts of climate change, the extent of which is already perceptible in the township.

Climate and energy planning at the local level is not always easy. In the case of the city of Tsévié, the municipality’s institutional structures are not adapted and the actors do not have the capacity to take this into account.

To address this challenge, the city has established a multidisciplinary and multisectoral technical group, of which our organisation is a member, to perform a diagnosis of the vulnerability of the city and its surroundings, an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the commune’s territory in the face of climate change and the major risks related to the future climate, and to draw up an action plan for sustainable access to energy and for the climate (APSAEC). Such collaboration between different actors (NGO, research, municipality) has provided the city with reliable information, an APSAEC, and has encouraged taking into account the interests, needs and demands of the city’s most vulnerable populations.


Elaborate an action plan for sustainable access to energy and the climate (APSAEC) for the city of Tsévié in Togo.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline


Quantitative results
  • A technical group was formed.
  • Around thirty civil society actors from the commune have been trained on the communal data collection process.
  • A communal diagnosis was performed.
  • An action plan for sustainable energy access and the climate (APSEAC) was developed.
Qualitative results

The municipality’s greenhouse gas emissions were estimated and an energy and emissions balance sheet was established.


The project is led by the municipality and was funded by the European Union within the framework of the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) initiative.

About the

OPED-Togo (Organisation Pour l'Environnement et le Développement durable/ Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable Development)

Yaovi Lowanou KOGBE
Executive Director

The Organisation pour l’Environnement et le Développement durable/ Organisation for the Environment and Sustainable Development (OPED-Togo) is a development support NGO recognised by the Ministry of Development Planning and Cooperation through a certificate of recognition in the quality of development NGO on 8 August 2019 N° 980/MPDC/2019. Prior to certification of recognition of its status as a development NGO, OPED had a receipt of recognition as a non-profit association created on 24 September 2011, issued by the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Local Communities under the association declaration N° 0484/MATDCL-SG-DLPAP-DOCA on 22 March 2013, inserted in the Official Gazette of the Togolese Republic on 16 May 2013. Its aim is to promote awareness of environmental issues and the emergence of new development approaches centered on human well-being.

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A project
in collaboration
  • Town of Tsévié

    Local Authorities - Municipality

    Michel HOUNDJO