Research Work: African Forests, People and Climate Change: Policies, Strategies and Programs in the SADC and COMESA Regions
This study "African Forests, People and Climate Change" was launched by the African Forest Forum (AFF) in order to strengthen the capacities of African forest actors to implement effective interventions to contain climate change effects on people and ecosystems.

Overview of the project
In response to the climate emergency, the African Forest Forum has launched a multi-project programme on climate change, including the “African Forests, People and Climate Change” project. The objectives of this study are:
- To assess the challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) policies, strategies, and plans on forestry and climate change.
- To assess the importance of the participation of women, youth and vulnerable groups in SADC and COMESA forest programmes and plans on climate change.
- Identify and describe measures, approaches, and incentives to enhance the benefits for women, youth and vulnerable groups in SADC and COMESA forestry programmes and plans on climate change.
Strengthen the capacities of African forest actors to implement effective interventions to contain climate change effects on people and ecosystems.
Ongoing research
Fourteen experts have been recruited and are in the field collecting information; their report is expected in late August/early September.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
The African Forestry Forum (AFF) is an association of individuals who share a common pursuit and commitment to the management, sustainable use and conservation of Africa’s forests, the use of forests and tree resources to improve the socio-economic well-being of its people, and for the stability and improvement of its environment. FFA’s objective is to provide a platform and create an enabling environment for independent and objective analysis; for advocacy and advice on all relevant policy and technical issues relating to the achievement of the management, sustainable use, and conservation of Africa’s forests and forest resources as part of efforts to reduce poverty, protect the environment, and promote economic and social development.
in collaboration