Valorisation of Home-grown Capacities for the Promotion of Agricultural and Forestry Youth Entrepreneurship in the Context of Climate Change

Centre d’Assistance aux Démunis et Orphelins (Assistance Centre for the Deprived and Orphaned), CADO, places empowerment of young people at the heart of its project to promote agricultural and forestry entrepreneurship, with a view to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

An initiative of Centre d’Assistance aux Démunis et Orphelins/ Assistance Centre for the Deprived and Orphaned (CADO)

Overview of the project

The “Positive Thinking” farm-school provides several types of agro-ecological training aimed at strengthening the autonomy of vulnerable populations in Agou prefecture:

  • Animal production – short cycle breeding (pig, sheep, goat, snail, rabbit, agouti, duck, local improved hen, & beekeeping);
  • Crop production – market gardening, production of mushrooms, yellow corn, white beans, & soy beans;
  • Forestry – setting up and running a nursery, reforestation and plant maintenance;
  • Soil restoration – composting and natural fertilisation;
  • Development of solar photovoltaic systems – manufacture of solar panels, solar gourd lamps, installation of solar kits; and
  • Coaching and personal development – personalised follow-up.

The beneficiaries of the training contribute to the maintenance of the Zionou community forest, a project financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through UNDP, whose funding ends in 2014. They also motivated the Amavenou community to restore its community forest by participating in the establishment and management of the nursery, a project financed in 2016 by the FAO. In order to ensure an easy and beneficial flow of their natural-method based agricultural production, the NGO CADO has created an “eco-solidarity restaurant” that buys all the production at better prices.

Furthermore, these trained and monitored young people make an interesting turnover by producing and selling seedlings; others make solar installations for households, dispensaries and schools; still others have opened solar kiosks where they charge mobile phones, and solar gourd lamps, etc. In this way, the trained youth become ambassadors of local knowledge of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.


Empower young people in their process of gaining autonomy to take into account climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

1/1/2014- 12/31/2020

Quantitative results
  • Six local trainers trained by Togolese and European experts;
  • 28 young people trained, 14 of whom are setting up agroecological perimeters;
  • 50 nurserymen trained, 70,000 seedlings produced;
  • Two community forests restored and enriched;
  • Two cooperatives of wood-energy production trained;
  • 20,000 wood energy plants produced and planted; and
  • Tripled the number of new candidates for training.

From its own financing and with the support of technical and financial partners.

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About the

Centre d’Assistance aux Démunis et Orphelins/ Assistance Centre for the Deprived and Orphaned (CADO)


Created in 1988, CADO (Centre d’Assistance aux Démunis et Orphelins/ Assistance Centre for the Deprived and Orphanes) is an NGO created to promote sustainable development in the Agou prefecture in southwest Togo. CADO works in four main areas:

  • Sustainable agriculture;
  • Environmental protection;
  • Renewable energy; and
  • The promotion of human rights.
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A project
in collaboration
  • Kinomé

    Non-Governmental Organisation

    Yohann Fare
  • Association Pays Oubliés (Forgotten Countries Association)

    Non-Governmental Organisation

    Jean-François Lamoureux
  • Togo Freunde Hannover

    Non-Governmental Organisation

    Dr Angelika Schammert -Prenzler