Water Security in Monson and Sultana
New water infrastructure will meet current and future needs as residents in these communities prepare to live in a climate characterized by persistent drought.

Overview of the project

Without a neighboring community close in proximity with an established water system, residents from Monson and the Sultana must work towards a long-term solution that would help both communities. With the help of Self-Help Enterprises workshops, the communities determined that an inter-connection pipeline between Monson and the Sultana Community Service District (CSD) was the best, sustainable solution.
This connection is currently in the process of being completed. The inter-connection pipeline will travel from the Sultana CSD system to Monson along Road 104. This is an mutually beneficial, long-term solution which will allow Sultana, who is relying on a single well that meets all drinking water standards and has old meters, to construct of a new well, obtain radio read water meters, and also connect the Monson community.
By combining resources, the new infrastructure will meet current and future needs as residents in these communities prepare to live in a climate characterized by persistent drought. The County of Tulare secured approximately $1.5 million in drought emergency funding to drill a well in Monson and construct a partial water distribution system that will be able to serve homes within the core of the community of Monson.
To inspire and support subnational governments to take concrete action, collaborate and report on climate adaptation.
Ongoing research
Most recently, the County of Tulare approved the purchase of property for the community well and drilling is expected to start this summer with completion of the partial distribution system (serving 75% of homes) by the end of the year.
While construction for the long-term solution takes place, the County of Tulare, in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises, United Way and Community Services Employment Training (CSET), are currently providing household water tanks to eligible homes as an interim solution. Self-Help Enterprises efforts address the effects of climate change on water supplies including more cases of water contamination.
Self-Help Enterprises’ efforts have helped thousands of families stay in their homes.
A certified potable water hauler fills a 2,500-3,000 gallon tank with water. Using a small pump and PVC pipes, the water is pumped directly into a household’s plumbing thereby restoring water. To date, 1,019 water tanks have been installed at homes with dry wells, 444 permanent water line connections have been completed, and now, community members organized themselves to share information on how to empower each other to prepare.
To provide the residents of Tulare County with quality services to improve and sustain the region’s safety, economic well-being, and quality of life.
Tulare County government strives to earn the trust, respect, and support of its residents through collaboration, fair, and effective service.
in collaboration