Ecolotrip offers three days of exchanges and meetings to give young French-speaking people the opportunity to be actors in the fight against climate change.

Overview of the project
“Eco-Week” is the main activity of the Ecolotrip organisation. An annual forum that brings together young French-speaking people from Africa, Europe and America who are active in the fight against climate change and environmental protection for instructive exchanges and sharing of practical knowledge and experience. Conferences, workshops and project competitions are on the programme.
The objectives are:
- To reflect on individual and collective solutions to respond to the emerging climate crisis.
- Strengthen the network of young French-speaking actors in sustainable development.
- Building the capabilities of young people.
- Communicate on opportunities in the field.
- Give a boost to the participants through a project pitching contest.
At the end of the meeting, the participants have a better understanding of the issues of sustainable development in general and climate change in particular.
The Eco-Week forum seeks to facilitate meaningful youth engagement and its agenda is shaped to allow participants to generate inputs and recommendations for future global processes on youth engagement on climate change.
Strengthen the capabilities of young French-speaking actors in the fight against climate change through three days of exchanges and meetings.
Ongoing research
Each year we succeed in connecting and building the capabilities of about 50 young people, who in turn pass this knowledge on to their respective communities.
Quality is found in the impact of the projects carried out by the participants thanks to training provided by our experts.
Our project is financed through international mobility organisations that cover transportation costs of participants outside of Africa. At the local level, partners assist materially and technically.
“Eco-Week” is the main activity of the Ecolotrip organisation. An annual forum bringing together young French-speaking people from Africa, Europe and America who are active in the fight against climate change and environmental protection for instructive exchanges and the sharing of practical knowledge and experience. Conferences, workshops and project competitions are on the programme.
Apart from this project, we also carry out other activities such as art for the environment, blogging for awareness-raising, etc.