What will be the place of your organisation in a low-carbon world: decompartmentalising the field and the research.
"What will be the place of your organization in a low-carbon world: decompartmentalizing the field and research" is an initiative gathering research projects, in collaboration with the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, the Technical University of Denmark and Toovalu, a Nantes-based software solution for climate & CSR strategy management.

Overview of the project
The world of academic research and that of the ecological transition of companies are often decorrelated. The objective of this initiative is to question this separation, and to bring together these two closely related worlds.
“What will be the place of your organization in a low-carbon world: decompartmentalizing the field and research” is an initiative that brings together two research projects, a master’s thesis and a doctoral thesis, conducted respectively by Jean ROMAN and Nicolas DESMOITIER, in collaboration with the Ecole Centrale of Nantes, the Technical University of Denmark, and Toovalu, a Nantes-based software solution for managing climate and CSR strategies. All of these actors are working on a review of scientific works dealing with the issue of methodological tools for implementing low-carbon strategies in companies and their improvement, in particular by taking into account the planetary limits as an environmental indicator.
This will result in the publication of these two theses in open access, in June 2023 for Jean ROMAN’s master’s thesis and in the summer of 2024 for Nicolas DESMOITIER’s doctoral thesis, and in the publication of a scientific article on the subject during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Research project to link corporate low-carbon strategies with the research community.
Ongoing research
03/01/2022 - project still in progress
A first comparison of the different existing tools, and a precise vision of the whole field.
Financing by Toovalu + ANRT for part of Nicolas' CIFRE thesis.
Toovalu is a software publisher that offers a solution for managing your climate & CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategy, with human support in this approach, by engaging decision-makers to integrate social responsibility, climate issues and their impact into the heart of their strategy. A team of more than 20 people, developers, sales people, climate & CSR experts, and even researchers, are all motivated and committed to accompany you in your impact approach.
in collaboration