Zero Emission Generator Set
Enedis is a public service company that manages the electricity distribution network and employs 38,000 people.

Overview of the project
Battery storage offers an alternative to thermal diesel generators for maintaining power in the event of incidents or work on the network. The project consists of testing in real conditions a mobile electrochemical storage solution (battery) with a high energy and power capacity. These characteristics make the solution particularly suitable for urban or peri-urban areas: reduction of GHG emissions or fine particles, reduction of noise, response to regulatory restrictions.
At the same time, the project also includes the development of a digital tool to assist in the sizing of generators based on a consumption forecasting model. This tool aims to provide site planners with a more accurate view of the load of the distribution stations for a given intervention date, and thus recommend the most suitable re-supply solution for the real needs on site.
To experiment with a 100% electric power supply and to develop a decision support tool to optimise the sizing of the power supply means.
Pilote operation, experimentation
01/10/2019 – project still in progress
Following a sizing study based on the analysis of the needs in means of re-supply (diesel generators) between 2018 and 2019, we set the technical characteristics of our solution as follows: the prototype has a power of 160 kVA for an energy of 480 kWh, i.e. a time of use of 4 hours at full load.
Thanks to this dimensioning, we determined that the prototype would be able to meet 80% of the needs for the installation of a power supply for construction sites in the Pays de la Loire.
At the same time, a life cycle analysis is underway to assess the environmental impact of the solution.
- Obtaining a prototype of a battery recharging system.
- Validation of functional tests on the prototype.
- Creation of a numerical load forecasting algorithm that allows both the validation of the recharging capacity on a distribution station and the optimisation of the sizing of the recharging solutions deployed on the public network in the context of works.
The project, which has been broken down into several lots (hardware, decision support, etc.), has for the moment been entirely financed by the Pays de la Loire and national departments of Enedis. However, some financial aid seems to be available.
Enedis est une entreprise de service public, gestionnaire du réseau de distribution d’électricité qui emploie 38 000 personnes. Au service de 37 millions de clients, elle développe, exploite, modernise 1,4 million de kilomètres de réseau électrique basse et moyenne tension (230 et 20 000 Volts) et gère les données associées. Enedis réalise les raccordements des clients, le dépannage 24h/24, 7J/7, le relevé des compteurs et toutes les interventions techniques. Intervenant pour le compte des collectivités locales, propriétaires des réseaux, elle est indépendante des fournisseurs d’énergie qui sont chargés de la vente et de la gestion du contrat de fourniture d’électricité.
Manufacturer: Nidec (Saint-Etienne, France)
Development: EDF R&D
Life cycle assessment firm: EVEA