Climate Chance’s Actions and Advocacy at COP28
Discover the key themes of Climate Chance's actions and advocacy at COP28. Check out our programme!
The Climate Chance team will be taking part in COP28 in Dubai, UAE, from 30 November to 12 December.
The association will focus its activities on delivering and promoting its messages around 3 main themes:
- « Time for Accountability », on the occasion of the Global Stocktake, an in-depth overview at the global level of the progress made by non-state actors: businesses, local governments and civil society, to drive climate action since the Paris Agreement in 2015, based on new analyses of the Observatory’s Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action 2023, its annual flagship report presented every year at the climate COPs.
An official UNFCCC side event, bringing together a range of partners including the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) and the Climate Action Network (CAN), will provide an opportunity to address the issues of transparency, transition plan credibility and impact monitoring, proposing tools to feed the Global Stocktake from a non-state approach.
Consult here the side events and the press conference.
The operational recommendations set out in the Yaounde Roadmap for Sustainable Habitats in Africa, a document adopted by all the non-state networks and actors gathered in Cameroon at the Climate Chance Conference Africa on 23-24 October, and now signed by some fifty organisations.
On this major issue, COP28 will also be an opportunity to take part in the launch event of the #HousingMatters campaign run by UN-Habitat.
Consult here the side events and the press conference.
- The convergence of the three UN agendas through ecological connectivity, and the progress made the International Coalition « Biodiversity Corridors in Africa ».
This is a moment for Climate Chance to bring together a panel of high-level speakers to share experiences and opportunities for carbon financing in connectivity conservation projects benefiting the local population, wildlife and ecosystems.
Consult here the side events.
Climate Chance will also be taking part, along with other experts, in an « on the spot » analysis of the main issues and an outline of the likely outcome of COP28, organised by its partner Comité 21. The event, organised in live from Dubai, can be followed online.
Speakers include: Jean Jouzel, Climatologist, Former member of the IPCC, Honorary President of Climate Chance.
Information and registration here
Meet our team at COP28 from 6 to 12 December