Climate Chance in your back-to-school climate events !
Climate Chance will be present in many key events this fall, concerning major issues of climate action. You will find here all informations. Follow closely our news !
Since July 16th, Climate Chance presents every Thursday a Virtual Workshop that brings together a panel of various non-state actors around the main issues of climate action. These moments of debate and exchange are an opportunity to highlight our work, to renew contact with our African coalitions, to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on their sectors and move forward on their roadmaps, despite the absence of a face-to-face Climate Chance Summit this year.
In this global context of the health crisis, Climate Chance is more than ever present online to continue to mobilize its network !
We will therefore participate in 3 international climate events to come :

Climate Week NYC 2020 September 21-27, 2020
As the focus shifts to how we rebuild after COVID-19, Climate Week NYC 2020 will explore what lessons we can learn in the pursuit of a net-zero future through just transition.
During this event, Climate Chance will present its virtual workshop #7 on September 24th from 3 to 4 pm on « Access to climate data (hydraulic data and adaptation) for African actors ».

Dairing cities 7-28 October 2020
This year, ICLEI and the Federal City of Bonn are transforming Daring Cities 2020 into a virtual, global forum on climate change for urban leaders tackling the climate emergency, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This event is being held as part of African Mobility Month.
Climate Chance will present its virtual workshop #9 on October 8th from 3 to 4 pm on « Sustainable mobility in Côte d’Ivoire in 2050 ».

Race to Zero November Dialogues 9-19 November 2020
Cycle of conferences organized by the UNFCCC to mobilize climate actors while COP26 which was to be held in this period has been postponed to 2021.
Climate Chance participates and presents the results and take-aways at this end of its first cycle of Virtual Workshops « The Post-Crisis Lessons of African Climate Coalitions », on November 11th at 3 pm.
See you there 🙂