Climate Chance will be present at COP25 in Madrid
The Climate Chance observer delegation of Climate Chance will be present from the 2nd to the 13th december in Madrid for the 25th United Nations conference on climate change.
> December 5th, 14:30-15:45, SDG Pavilion
“Key factors for strengthening implementation synergies between the Climate and Development Agendas”
Organized by the Global Taskforce of local and regional governments.
Presentation by Amaury Parelle, Coordinator of the Climate Chance Observatory.
> December 7th, 11:00 to 12:30, Francophonie Pavilion (IFDD)
« GOAL REVIEW 2023: The “Water” component in the nationally determined contributions in the public policies and the national strategies of the countries of Francophone Africa. »
Organized by the French Partnership for Water.
Presentation by Bernard Soulage – Secretary General of the Climate Chance Association, which will present on the water and climate aspects of the Climate Chance Summit – Africa 2019, held in Accra, Ghana.
> December 11th, from 14:00 to 14:30, Press Conference – Hall 4, room MOCHA
“Synthesis Report on Non-state Climate Action : what trends in 2019 in emissions sectors, local action, adaptation and finance? »
December 11, from 17:00 to 18:00, under invitation : Strategic Orientation Committee of the Climate Chance Association – Installation of the Accra Climate Dialogue
- What are the contributions of the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019 ?
- What are the follow-up actions for the UNFCCC Global Climate Action agenda ?
B. African Strategy
- Next steps after the Accra Declaration, establishment of the Accra Climate Dialogue: debate on advocacy priorities for Africa
- A look back at the Accra Summit 2019 : discussion on success and weakness, focus on African thematics coalitions and the main initiatives taken at the Summit, focus on the Africa-France Summit.
- Informations on the Climate Chance Summit – Africa 2020 : possible partnerships
C. Global Observatory of Climate Action
- Evolution of the Portal of Action
- Quick presentation of the synthesis report 2019, discussion on its diffusion
- Topics to be covered in 2020
- Strengthening partnerships
> December 12, from 10:00 to 11:30, French Pavilion – side-event co-organised with the Comité 21
« The implementation of adaptation strategies by local actors: what is the current situation? »
- Jean-Noël Verfailli, Member of the Nord Departmental Council, European Committee of the Regions
- Xavier Corval, President Founder, Eqosphere
- Eduardo Perero, Consultor ambiental, Área Técnica Fundación, CONAMA
- Nicolas Imbert, Executive Director, Green Cross
- Armelle Perrin-Guinot, Sustainable Development Promotion & Basic services Commitment Manager, Veolia
This event is organized as part of a co-publication Climate Chance – Comité 21 launched in November 2019 in English and French which gives an overview of adaptation actions actually implemented in the territories, in a selection of sectors and economic sectors, and finally available elements estimating investments and adaptation financing needs.