Join us for eMag #3 on Agroecology, Food Systems and Forests
On Thursday 23 March at 3:00 PM (CET), join us for the eMag #3 with Afrik 21 on agroecology, food systems and forests in Africa .
An opportunity to disseminate strategic sectoral information to African actors involved in climate action
The 3nd meeting, open to all stakeholders, in all their diversity, will be on the theme of agroecology, food Systems and forests and will be held online on March 23, 2023 at 3:00 pm (CET)
More information and Registration hereeMag #3 Ensuring local food security and sustainable resource management in Africa
How can local agroecological practices help combine the resilience of food systems and sustainable forest management in Africa?
The objective of this third eMag in partnership with Afrik 21 is to highlight initiatives, best practices and organizational models that ensure food security while promoting sustainable management of resources, particularly forests. It will focuses on the issue of conflicts.
7 monthly meetings from January to July 2023 – Save the date!