eMag – Adaptation Policies in Europe
March 2024 - What role do sub-national levels play in the planning and implementation of multi-level adaptation policies in Europe?

Publication date: April 5th, 2024
In this issue:
The Observatory’s Lens

« It is important to integrate adaptation measures at each level of governance in order to respond effectively to climate change. »
Tania Martha Thomas, Research Officer at the Global Observatory of Climate Action, Climate Chance Association, presents the Observatory’s new study on multilevel integration of adaptation policies in Europe.
Special Segment by Construction21

Amandine Martinet, journalist at Construction21, gives us an overview of the news regarding adaptation policies in Europe.
What role do sub-national levels play in the planning and implementation of multi-level adaptation policies in Europe?

Cornelia Rietdorf, KomPass Competence Center: The Center is responsible for developing the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS) and promoting its implementation.

« Allowing for the scale of policies to be at the local level will allow implementation to be adapted to the region. »
Gian Luca Gurrieri, Director of Climate and Air Quality for Lombardy, Italy: The design and implementation of Lombardy’s adaptation plan in the absence of a clearly established and defined national adaptation strategy

« We need to give local players the tools they need, but also provide a common framework for the region with guidelines for consistent adaptation by local authories. »
Manuel Harchies, Institut de Conseil et d’Etudes en Développement Durable (ICEDD), Wallonia, Belgium: a study aiming to synthesise current scientific knowledge on vulnerability and adaptation in the Walloon region of Belgium, in order to provide field actors with operational tools for adaptation and resilience

Peter Eckersley, Professor at Nottingham Trent University: contribution to a study in 2023 on the quality of urban climate change adaptation plans in Europe and shares his key findings with us.

« A multi-level strategy is needed to meet Europe’s adaptation targets. »
Ronan Dantec, Senator of Loire Atlantique and President of Climate Chance: presentation of the French national adaptation strategy, the reference warming trajectory for adaptation to climate change (TRACC) at +4 degrees in France.