eMag – Social Justice in Adaptation Policies
May 2024 - How can social justice be integrated into adaptation policies in Europe?
Publication date: June 6th, 2024
In this issue:
The Observatory’s Lens
Tania Martha Thomas, Research Officer at Climate Chance, Pauline Beyler and Flavie Seigneurin, Climate Officers at the Gender in Geopolitics Institute present the Global Observatory of Climate Action’s new analysis note “Just Resilience: Integrating social justice and gender into climate change adaptation in Europe”.
Special Segment by Construction21
Amandine Martinet, Journalist at Construction21, gives us an overview of the news regarding how social justice is integrated in adaptation policies in Europe.
How can social justice be integrated into adaptation policies in Europe?
Hanne van den Berg, Expert on Climate Adaptation and Just Resilience at the European Environment Agency, presents the measures taken by EU Member States to integrate social justice into adaptation policies, as well as national and local examples.
Nina Klein, Policy Lead at ECOLISE, explains the concept of community-led initiatives in the ecological transition and adaptation to climate change, and she introduces the ‘Time for Collective Action’ manifesto which aims to act as a tool to bring together top-down and bottom-up governance
Anne Barre, Coordinator of Gender and Climate Policy at WECF, shares two projects that the WECF has worked on: the Shared Green Deal and gender-disaggregated data on energy poverty.