The fourth session of the circular economy event
The "Assises de l'économie circulaire" were initally scheduled to take place this year from the 23rd to 24th of June in Paris but have been postponed to the 7 and 9th September
« The Assises de l’économie circulaire will take place from the 23 – 24 June 2020 in Paris to address substantive, concrete subjects for the benefit and reach of each and every participannt. Confrontations of points of view and the diversity of stakeholders: the aim of these conferences is to outline the global landscape of solutions tested by local authorities and companies.
Conferences will take place over two days, with 3 plenaries…
- A new business model for our society
- Political decision to serve the ciruclar economy
- Circular Economy: from theory to pratice
… as well as 16 workshops on:
- Business Competitiveness
- Attractiveness and involvement of local areas
- Production and consumption