ICCA Summit : vertical integration for Climate Action
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Heidelberg will jointly host the International Conference on Climate Action – ICCA2019 – in Heidelberg on May 22 and 23 2019.

The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Heidelberg will jointly host the International Conference on Climate Action – ICCA2019 – in Heidelberg on May 22 and 23 2019. The conference will bring together leaders and decision makers from states, regions and cities as well as stakeholders and experts from around the world.
Tackling climate change now
The new IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C global warming reiterates the need to increase current mitigation efforts and to reach net zero CO2 emissions by mid-century in order to avoid dangerous and irreversible climate impacts. The report underlines that this is achievable through the implementation of ambitious climate action within the next decades, both at national as well as subnational level. Making the necessary shift towards a low carbon economy and society is possible. We have the scientific and technological innovations as well as the means – they are also the catalyst for ensuring sustainable economic development and a better life for all. What is required is the concerted effort from all sectors of society and government and the political will.
Mobilising action across government levels
With the Paris Agreement, the global community has formulated a historic pathway to realise the necessary transformation. It explicitly recognises the importance of the engagement of all levels of government in addressing climate change. The Paris outcome and the Talanoa Dialogue recognise the crucial role of subnational, local and regional actors in mitigation and adaptation. Cities alone consume around three quarters of global primary energy and account for over 70 % of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. At the same time, they are also hubs of economic development and innovation.
In the run-up to the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit, the ICCA2019 will focus on scaling up and speeding up coordinated and integrated climate action across all levels and sectors of government, identifying the levers that matter in key sectors and the solutions that make a difference.