Abidjan Meetings on sustainable cities
From the 27th to 28th February, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, Abidjan, will be hostin the Abidjan meetings on sustainable cities to prepare for the upcoming Africa-France Summit in June.
Banner launching the Abidjan meetings on sustainable cities
The Abidjan meetings: an opportunity to prepare for the Africa-France Summit
From 27 to 28 February 2020, Abidjan, the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire, will host African actors of the city as part of the « Abidjan Meetings ».
These meetings are in preparation for the 28th edition of the Africa-France Summit to be held in Bordeaux in early June on the theme of the sustainable city.
These meetings aim not only to bring together ministers of urban issues and development, but also local elected officials, representatives of civil society and entrepreneurs. The aim is always to encourage exchange, the sharing of experiences and, above all, solutions for the development of sustainable and intelligent cities.
Climate Chance will be participating in the talks in Abidjan
These meetings represent the ideal opportunity for members of the African coalition working on sustainable mobility and transport issues in urban areas to present and promote their work. Indeed, the mobility coalition has recently produced a diagnosis of the mobility sector in Côte d’Ivoire as well as a detailed roadmap on the steps to follow in order to begin the transition towards sustainable cities.
Climate Chance’s schedule at the talks in Abidjan
Find Sylvestre Kouassi from the African Mobility Observatory and member of the Climate Chance’s mobility and sustainable transport coalition, during session 6 entitled « Efficient, affordable and citizen-oriented urban services and infrastructure ». In addition, Luc Gnacadja, former Minister of the Environment of Benin and member of Climate Chance, will moderate this session.