Mobility and Transport Coalition
Formed in 2018 during the Climate Chance Africa Summit in Abidjan, the Mobility Coalition produced a roadmap specific to the context of Côte d'Ivoire. Climate Chance seeks to replicate this model in other countries. Find out more about the coalition, its activities and the country roadmaps below.

Progress and Concrete Outcomes of the Sustainable Mobility and Transport Coalition in Africa
The Roadmap for Sustainable Mobility in Côte d’Ivoire
Presentation of the Roadmap for Sustainable Mobility in Côte d’Ivoire by Charlène Kouassi (OMA)
At the Climate Chance Africa 2018 Summit in Abidjan, a core group of actors active in the mobility sector began working together on the issue of sustainable mobility and transport in Africa.
During 2019, Climate Chance continued this work by developing a mobility roadmap in Côte d’Ivoire based on this same core group of mobilized actors. This work was done in close collaboration with the PPMC and the Observatory of African Mobilities, and was based on the work carried out in Morocco and its roadmap dedicated to the transport sector.
Thanks to financial support from the Michelin Foundation, Climate Chance has recruited a local expert to support a sustainable mobility strategy structuring exercise in Côte d’Ivoire.
Activities of the Coalition
2019 : A series of workshops in Abidjan to develop a mobility roadmap in Côte d’Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire committed itself at COP 21 to reduce its transport-related emissions through better quality of energy and the switch to less polluting vehicles (natural gas, biofuel and electricity). A series of workshops was therefore organized during 2019, in order to bring together in Abidjan nearly 60 Ivorian actors in the mobility and transport sector (national authorities, ministries, local authorities, private sector actors, associations, etc.). These meetings made it possible to define the various axes of a shared strategy – a roadmap for sustainable mobility in Côte d’Ivoire – recalling the objectives of the PPMC’s Global Macro Roadmap, and the actions already carried out in Côte d’Ivoire.
In 2019, the mobility coalition was therefore able to publish two key documents that define the coalition’s objectives and the strategy for moving towards more sustainable mobility in Côte d’Ivoire.
The mobility coalition was also able to meet in October 2019 during the mobility workshop that took place during the Climate Chance Africa Summit in Accra.
- Roadmap for Sustainable Mobility in Côte d’Ivoire (in French)pdf
- Report on the Diagnosis on Mobility in Ivory Coast (in French)pdf
2020 : The sustainable mobility roadmap in Côte d’Ivoire could potentially support the revision of national targets in terms of GHG reductions
The Sustainable Mobility Roadmap for Côte d’Ivoire is intended to support Côte d’Ivoire’s national mobility policies, taking into account the practices, analyses and recommendations of Ivorian non-state actors. The sustainable mobility roadmap in Côte d’Ivoire could, if the country so wishes, support the revision of the national objectives (Nationally Determined Contribution – NDC) of Côte d’Ivoire in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, under the Paris Agreement, by 2020.
News from the Mobility Coalition and activities in Côte d’Ivoire
Modeling the mobility roadmap strategy
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed the mobility coalition to adapt to new formats, in order to continue the work already in place since 2019. During the lockdown, the African Mobility coalition continued its activities, remotely and as much as possible, with the modeling of the strategy defined in the roadmap Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI).
Workshops at Cocody, Bouaké and Odienné to integrate the local dimension into the roadmap:
Currently, the coalition is carrying out workshops in three pilot cities in Côte d’Ivoire: Cocody, Bouaké and Odienné, in order to test the mobility strategy defined and then modeled over the last few months.
En route towards a new Roadmap for Sustainable mobility… In Senegal!
During a first visit to Dakar in mid-April, Senegalese mobility stakeholders met for a first meeting to launch the roadmap for sustainable mobility in Senegal. This first meeting took place on Wednesday 21st April 2021, with the presence of Climate Chance, Cetud, OMA and the country’s various mobility stakeholders.
The replication of this roadmap highlights the relevance of this strategy and is starting to interest more and more countries in Africa.
More information coming soon.
Members of the coalition

With the financial support of the Michelin Foundation

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