Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Summit

Side events

“Pioneers of Climate 2030” Awards Ceremony

As part of the European Mission “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” Marseille 2030, the City of Marseille is partnering with AtmoSud to highlight exemplary climate actions by Marseille-based businesses.

During a special ceremony on Monday, March 31, at 5:45 PM, six awards will be presented to the winning micro-enterprises, SMEs, large companies, and organizations:

  • 4 “Marseille Reduces Its Impact” Awards:
    • Mobility & Peaceful City
    • Resource Shift & Buildings of Tomorrow
    • Nature in the City, Food, Sea & Coastline
    • Training, Mobilization & Awareness
  • 1 “Marseille Adapts” Award
  • 1 “Public’s Favorite” Award

Youth Mobilisation

Thanks to the Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ), an international delegation of 30 young Francophones will attend the summit. They will take part in a visit program and a collaborative working session to produce a joint deliverable.

The objectives of this mission are to:

  • Encourage youth engagement and participation in major international summits.
  • Amplify young voices on climate issues.
  • Foster exchanges between young professionals and activists from different continents.

A Youth Advocacy Document will be developed by the delegation members throughout the program.

RFI Live Broadcast

Journalist and presenter Emmanuelle Bastide will be present to host and record the 8 Milliards de Voisinsshow live.