Climate Chance Virtual Workshops
Climate Chance organizes about twenty virtual thematic workshops that will take place every Thursday afternoon, from the 16th of July.
Virtual Workshops … what for?
In the global context of the health crisis and economic upheaval, a new format is needed to continue to mobilize our network and pursue the multi-stakeholder work that is more essential than ever in the face of the crucial environmental challenges of today’s world.
What is it about ?
Our workshops are an opportunity to highlight our work, in particular the analyses of the Climate Chance Observatory, and to renew contact with our African coalitions, to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on their key sectors (adaptation, agriculture, energy, transport, circular economy, etc.) and to work on their roadmaps, despite the absence of the Climate Chance Summit this year (which is traditionally the milestone moment for these coalitions).
The workshops organized by Climate Chance will take place online in the company of many non-state climate actors from our community: companies, communities, NGOs… The discussions and moments of reflection will be based on the work and progress made by the African coaltions that we support and in particular on the roadmaps developed by these coalitions.
During our first cycle of workshops and for each thematic coalition, we invite major witnesses to make a progress report in order to exchange their visions on the major issues related to their sector and ensure the continuity of their climate actions. To do so, we begin this workshop cycle with an introductory session on the Synthesis of the work carried out by the Climate Chance Observatory.
Climate Chance Virtual Workshops launch : How can the 2050 objectives for carbon neutrality be transformed into short-term action?
Thursday 16th of July 2020 : How can the 2050 objectives for carbon neutrality be transformed into short-term action?
- Amaury Parelle, Coordinator of the Climate Chance Observatory
- Antoine Gillod, Research Officer of the Climate Chance Observatory
- Eero Ailio – Adviser, Energy Transition and Local Governance, Directorate-General for Energy at the European Commission
- David Laurent – Head of Climate and Resources at “Entreprises pour l’Environnement” (EpE)
- Representative of local authorities, to be confirmed
The European Union and the Member States have put a substantial amount of public investment on the transition to face the coming recession following the Covid-19 pandemic, in a context where perhaps no State is able to demonstrate consistent progress with a 2°C trajectory, nor even their national targets. On the ground, non-state actors are multiplying their commitments, but are facing difficulties both in implementation and monitoring.
Our main questions:
- How can we ensure, on one hand the monitoring of commitments taken by local authorities, companies and civil society, on the other hand the integration of their success in others’ actors public policies or private strategies ?
- Do the existing monitoring tools (voluntary or regulatory) available to actors help them convert their objectives into means? How can these policies/strategies be evaluated without weighing disproportionately on the actors’ humain and technical ?