Declaration of the Climate Chance Summit Agadir 2017
Stepping up climate action and goals together
Context :
The Agadir Declaration “Stepping up climate action and goals together”
Prepared with the official representatives of the major groups recognized by the United Nations and during a specific meeting on the eve of the closure, the Agadir Declaration is intended to be a clear and operational roadmap, particularly in view of the Facilitative Dialogue of 2018 – renamed since « Talanoa Dialogue » – the expectation of which is a reinforcement of the collective ambition of the States, to allow the achievement of the ambitious objectives of the Paris Agreement remains reachable.
The most widely signed declaration by non-state actors worldwide
The summit ended with the signing of the Agadir declaration supported by many Moroccan actors and signed by a large number of the main global networks of non-State actors:
- Local and Regional Governments: ICLEI (focal point for LGMA in the UNFCCC), UCLG, R20, C40, nrg4SD, FMDV, Energy cities, CCRE-CEMR, The International Association of French-speaking Majors (AIMF)
- Business and Industry: General Confederation of Companies of Morocco (CGEM), ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) France, Global Compact France, Orée
- Youth: YOUNGO (constituency of the youth NGOs), CliMates, Moroccan Youth Movement for climate
- Indigenous peoples: Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee (IPACC), World Mountain Population Association, Tamaynut Organization
- NGO: Climate Action Network (CAN-I) (focal point to the UNFCCC, representing more than 1000
climate and environmental NGOs), ENDA Tiers Monde, Moroccan network of the economy