[REPLAY] Social Justice in Adaptation Policies
eMag of 30.05.2024: Watch the replay and consult the magazine on Social Justice in Adaptation Policies

eMag #3 How can social justice be integrated into adaptation policies in Europe?
The Liège Déclaration in its preamble acknowledges that precarious populations, especially women and people facing multiple discriminations are more intensely affected by climate change, and often excluded from spheres of influence and decision-making on adaptation planning. Additionally, they are more affected by adaptation policies, being more likely to bear the costs of adaptation and at higher risk of displacement. The Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit showed how climate adaptation policies can also be a vector for social change.
How can we integrate social justice in the planning and implementation of adaptation policies in Europe ?
With the 2024 European elections just a few days away, this eMag aims to discuss the challenges and means of integrating a socially just approach into the planning and implementation of adaptation policies in Europe, and to exchange views with stakeholders on the potential impact of this electoral deadline on the issue.
The latest analysis note of the Climate Chance Observatory
“Just Resilience: Integrating social justice and gender into climate change adaptation in Europe”
Click here to read the analysis noteeMag organised in partnership with:
Watch the eMag
Press review
- Amandine Martinet, Journalist, Construction21

- Tania Martha Thomas, Research Officer, Climate Chance

- Pauline Beyler, Climate Affairs Officer, Gender in Geopolitics Institute

- Flavie Seigneurin, Climate Affairs Officer, Gender in Geopolitics Institute

- Nina Klein, Policy Lead, ECOLISE

- Hanne van den Berg, Climate Adaptation Expert, European Environment Agency (EAA)

- Anne Barre, Coordinator Gender & Climate Policy, Women Engaged for a Common Future (WECF)
Moderated and animated by

- Estelle Methens, Events Officer, Climate Chance