[2021] Access to Energy
18/03/2021: Virtual Workshop dedicated to issues related to Access to Energy in Africa. Led by the Energy Coalition.

Watch the recording of the Virtual Workshop here:
Virtual Workshop on Thursday 18th March on issues related to Access to Energy in Africa
Climate Chance wishes to continue the work initiated by the Energy Coalition during its 2020 Virtual Workshop.
Two objectives for this workshop :
- Updating of the Coalition Roadmap for 2021-2022
- Sharing of best practices related to energy
Previous virtual workshop here.

Maïmouna Diouf, Project manager for Gender-energy-climate change at Enda Energie

Alexis Caujolle, Access to energy – Program Leader at Geres

- Victor Romero Amigo, International Cooperation Officer at Le Partenariat

- Djadji Touré, Project manager at Avento – Valorem

Stéphane Redon, Founder of So’Sen