[2023] Sustainable Construction and Habitat
On Thursday 20 July at 3:00 PM (CEST), join us for the eMag #7 with Afrik 21 on sustainable construction and habitat at local level in Africa.

eMag #7 Towards a revitalisation of traditional methods and materials?
The housing sector, and more specifically the construction sector, is growing rapidly on the African continent due to a number of factors, including demographic growth and galloping urbanisation. This sector often uses techniques and materials that are ill-suited to tropical and Sahelian climates, such as cement, whose annual production accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions. In Africa, 75% of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are linked to construction. To remedy this, actors in the sector are turning to traditional and African materials and techniques, which are better adapted to local realities and offer greater resilience in the face of the consequences of climate change.
What are these traditional materials and techniques? How can they increase the energy efficiency of buildings and the resilience of housing to climate change in Africa?
The objective of this eMag is to highlight traditional construction methods and the use of local materials as solutions for building sustainable, accessible and resilient homes in both rural and urban contexts.
eMag organised in partnership with the media
Watch the eMag
Programme and speakers:

- Zineb Ben Abderrazik, Architect DE: Levers for sustainable housing: a social, economic and ecological approach.
Special segment by Afrik 21

- Benoit-Ivan Wansi, Journalist, Afrik 21: Deciphering the latest news on habitat and construction sector on the African continent.
Panel: How can traditional materials and techniques improve the resilience of housing to climate change in Africa?

- Doudou Deme, Co-founder Elementerre: Promoting the eco-construction sector in Africa to democratize construction using local, sustainable materials.

- Anne-Cécile Ragot, Head of Development and Partnerships, Association la Voûte Nubienne: Making earthen architecture accessible on a large scale.

- Mireille Etame, Inspector General in charge of technical issues at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Cameroon: Invitation to the Climate Chance Summit Africa 2023 organized with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Cameroon

This eMag is moderated by:
- Stéphanie Njiomo, Ambassador for the Global Pact for the Environment in Cameroon and Central Africa, Associate Founder of Ci4Ca (Community Information For Climate Action)

- Chloé Quinonero, Events and Coalitions Officer, Climate Chance