From 1st to 2nd December 2021
Climate Chance Talks – Launch of the Sector-Based Report 2021
Event, Online
Climate Chance is organising four "Climate Chance Talks" over the course of two days to present and discuss with a panel of experts the main issues and lessons learned from the new Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action by Sector 2021.
The Climate Chance Talks are offered online, and are open to all actors of the climate community.
Climate Chance Talks – #1 What Are the Tools to Accelerate the Decarbonisation of the Electricity Mix and the Electrification of End-Uses?
From electric cars to building heating, through the decarbonisation of heavy industries and of international mobility, the electrification of end-uses is at the heart of public and private strategies to drive the low-carbon transition. However, while « all-electric » allows for efficiency gains, its impact on the climate depends largely on a low-carbon electricity mix: yet the growth in electricity consumption and the decarbonisation of the mix are still often out of synchronisation.

Moderated by:
Antoine Gillod, Coordinator of the Climate Chance Observatory

- Pascal Charriau, President at Enerdata

- Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General at SLoCaT

- Dr. Colin Nolden – Research Fellow Energy Climate and Governance, University of Bristol

Moderated by:
- Romain Crouzet, Programmes Director at the Climate Chance Association

- Shofwan Choiruzzad, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Executive Secretary of the University’s ASEAN Studies Centre.

- Claire Martin, Directrice RSE, CMA-CGM

- Jane Tousco, Head of Strategy and Sustainable Procurement, Transitions DD

Samuel Laval, Research Officer at the Climate Chance Association

Moderated by:
- Stéphane Siebert, Director of Technological Research, CEA Grenoble

- Julien Armijo, Energy Technology Analyst – Hydrogen and Alternative Fuels, International Energy Agency

- Jean-Patrick Masson,Vice-president City of Dijon

Moderated by:
Antoine Gillod, Coordinator of the Climate Chance Observatory

- Marie-Ange Kalenga, Policy Advisor at Fern

- Rutger Broer, Research Assistant at Buildings Performance Institute Europe