Third Forum of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change

Bruxelles, Online

The Forum is an opportunity for an in-depth exchange of views, allowing for the identification of successes and challenges, and shaping the future direction of the Mission. The event also showcases regional initiatives on adaptation and promotes dialogue between the community of participants.

The 2024 Mission Forum is co-organised by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Adaptation to Climate Change

To make meaningful recommendations on the future direction of the Mission, this Forum will provide an opportunity to have an in-depth exchange of views on climate adaptation in Europe, the success factors of the Mission, and how to best address the challenges experienced by regions and communities in becoming climate resilient.

The Forum will be preceded on May 22 by site visits across Belgium and a networking event in Brussels at the end of the day.

The Liege Declaration

Alain Maron, Minister of Climate Transition, Environment, Energy, Cleanliness, Participatory Democracy, Health and Social Action of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, and Philippe Henry, Walloon Minister of Climate, Mobility, Infrastructure and Energy, intervened at the Forum to discuss the key messages of the Liege Declaration, adopted at the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit.

« We organised with the Climate Chance Association, for the Belgian Presidency, a unique gathering of European non-state actors. As a result, an ambitious Liège Declaration has been signed by over 100 networks and organisations at European level. » – Philippe Henry

« Climate adaptation is not only a burning local issue, but a burning EU matter. If we act together, we can be better together. » – Alain Maron