World Urban Forum 12

Cairo, Egypt

Climate Chance is participating in the World Urban Forum 12 in Cairo, Egypt, from 4 to 8 November.

Climate Chance is organising several events during the World Urban Forum 12 to communicate the messages of the Yaounde Roadmap and the Liège Declaration.

Official side-event: Yaoundé Roadmap in action: Building Sustainable Habitats in Africa.

Co-organised by

Summary of the event

The Climate Chance Conference Africa 2023, organised in Yaoundé, Cameroon, had an objective of drafting, with diverse non-State actors, a precise roadmap of priorities for public actors to respond to housing deficit, sufficient planning, informality housing and governance. With 800 participants from over 40 countries in Yaounde and virtual contributors, the “Yaounde Roadmap for Sustainable Habitats in Africa » emerged as a comprehensive and widely endorsed solution, signed by leading local government networks like UCLG-Africa, and civil society organisations.

Providing adequate housing for its population is one of the biggest challenges facing Africa today. According to UN-Habitat, the housing deficit in African cities is currently around 200 million, and rapidly increasing. African cities, projected to house two-thirds of the continent’s population by 2050, lack sufficient planning and infrastructure development, leading to a triple informality in housing, economy, and governance. From 1990 to 2015, 90% of housing growth was informal, resulting in poor access to essential services, increased pollution, health issues, and climate vulnerability. Urban planning has not kept up with the pace of rapid urbanisation. . The Climate and Development agendas are closely intertwined with a need for coordinated action. Effective Management and inclusive governance are crucial for African Cities to unlock their potential as drivers of sustainable development for their territories and the continent. Climate Chance continues to actively advocate for the messages and concrete recommendations laid out in the Yaoundé Roadmap at international gatherings focusing on sustainable livelihoods and climate change. The Roadmap’s key recommendations have already been integrated into international dialogues, including several side events at the COP28 in Dubai and the ministerial meeting of the Global Forum on Buildings and Climate in Paris. 

The 12th World Urban Forum is an opportunity  to continue to reassemble different actors around the key messages of the Yaoundé Roadmap to further strengthen its recommendations. This event provides a great opportunity for local actors from African cities, through networks like UCLG-Africa, to continue discussions on the implementation of actions for an inclusive and sustainable habitat for all its citizens. The WUF12 Forum will also be an opportunity for speakers to further discuss the implications of the Yaoundé Roadmap with regards to this matter.

Speakers to be confirmed…