Mobility For Tomorrow – 25 November 2019
Join us at Mobility for Tomorrow, a working meeting organised as part of the "Paris for Tomorrow" week, a series of events focused on the implementation of solutions to transform economic and social activity, under the patronage of the City of Paris.
Transforming mobility is essential to the success of both the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. For this reason, good coordination between all of us, at regional, national and international level, whether we operate in a state or non-state framework, is more necessary than ever to prepare for 2020 and avoid a dispersion of efforts. In this perspective, this meeting has 4 specific objectives:
1. Share an assessment of national approaches observed around the world, in terms of transforming Mobility, based in particular on the annual Synthesis Report of the Climate Chance Association, an assessment of supra-national action (UN, EU…), etc.
2. Analyse the lessons of the various « existing roadmaps » and in particular the « Global Roadmap of Action » work established by the SuM4All consortium (Sustainable Mobility for All), under the aegis of the World Bank, telling countries what to do by 2030 in the field of Mobility to meet the MDGs. Which relays for action should be used?
3. Share an assessment of the work of the International Mobility Initiatives launched since 2015
4. To decide on a « Mobility » action programme for 2020, which brings together state and non-state actors, and on which governments, cities and companies can draw.
The conclusions of this meeting will constitute a major contribution to the COP process, which was unfortunately disrupted by the cancellation of the Santiago summit, and to the holding in 2020 of an International Mobility Summit in Paris, the format of which will make it possible to reactivate the State/non-state dialogue on the most crucial issues facing this sector.
Please note that places are limited, so registration is mandatory. Please fill in the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/DU1JEmdhfo6HFNjDA
Once your registration has been registered, we will send you a detailed programme enabling you to prepare this meeting and in particular a possible intervention on your part in the interactive exchanges which will constitute the main part of the 4 stages of the meeting in order to allow all those who wish to participate in this process and in the elaboration of its « output » to take part.
We hope to have you with us on November 25.