Official launch of the project “Corridors of Biodiversity in Guinea”
Official launch of the project "Corridors of Biodiversity in Guinea" on 19 May 2023 in Conakry - Presentation and promotion of the project, momentum of coordination and collaboration between all stakeholders.
1st demonstration of the International Coalition “Biodiversity Corridors in Africa” launched in 2022 with the aim of protecting ecosystems.
With the support of the Guinean Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development and the French Embassy in Guinea and Sierra Leone, as well as the Agence Française de Développement, the project aims to create and maintain a corridor from the North to the South of Guinea, with local development issues at stake. The project is supported by a multi-functional and intersectional partner engaged with Biotope, Ecoact, Guinée Ecologie, Matthieu Wemaere and Wild Chimpanzee Foundation.
The three-year « Guinea » project aims to create, maintain or renovate a corridor running from the north to the south of the country and involving strong local development issues. Its objective is to set up a replicable methodology, both in Guinea and on the entire African continent, allowing for a mapping of the corridor and a mapping of all the stakeholders, the implementation of field actions and the mobilisation of innovative financing, particularly through carbon-biodiversity credits.
The objective is to develop a replicable methodology for mapping the corridor, involving all stakeholders, implementing actions on the ground and mobilising innovative financing, including carbon-biodiversity credits.
The official launch event, under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Guinea and the French Embassy in Guinea and Sierra Leone, will provide an opportunity to share the expectations of the project, to publicise it and make it known, but also to initiate a dynamic of coordination and collaboration between all stakeholders.
Among the speakers at the event: Mr Marc Fonbaustier, Ambassador of France, Ms Safiatou Diallo, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development in Guinea. Mr Ronan Dantec, Senator of Loire Atlantique, President of Climate Chance.
When? Friday 19 May 2023 from 9:00 to 12:30
Where? Palm Camayenne Hotel in Conakry
Event upon invitation.
Launch of the project “Biodiversity Corridors in Guinea”
👉 More information about the event
Programme and speakers