Reactions of the President of Climate Chance on the IPCC report
The IPCC's special report on the impacts of a 1.5° warming came out on 8 October. The President of the Climate Chance Association, Ronan Dantec, was interviewed on the subject by Europe 1 and the public channel Sénat.
Publication of the IPCC report
The long-awaited IPCC report, commissioned at COP21, was released on 8 October 2018. The reactions were numerous at the global level and the President of the Climate Chance Association, Senator Ronan Dantec of Loire Atlantique signed a platform calling for a « political leap ». Similarly, he spoke to numerous media outlets about the need to raise ambitions and take measures commensurate with the climate emergency. You will find here some of these interviews and the link to the platform he signed with 30 other personalities.
30 celebrities sign a platform for a “political outburst.”
In reaction to the IPCC report, several political figures, as well as members of civil society and associations, decided to sign a platform calling on « national governments, including in France, to undertake, without further delay, the transformations necessary to put the planet and its inhabitants back on a path of limiting average temperatures to 1.5°C. This is the only way to really honour the promises of the Paris climate agreement adopted at COP21. We call on them to fully support those who are already delivering climate solutions around the world and in their territories, by putting in place regulatory and financial frameworks that will enable a sustainable redirection of activities and investments towards the ecological transition.
The battle against climate change is not yet lost. It is up to us, non-State actors and governments, to implement now the solutions that are equal to the challenge ».
Signatories of the Tribune
– Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of the City of Paris, President of C40
– Alain Juppé, Chairman of Bordeaux Métropole, Mayor of Bordeaux
– Eric Piolle, Mayor of the city of Grenoble
– Julie Laernoes, Vice-President for Energy Transition in Nantes Métropole
– Catherine Bassani, Elected to the City of Nantes for Environmental Health
– Ronan Dantec, President of the Association Climate Chance, Senator of Loire Atlantique
– Agnès Langevine, Vice President of the Occitanie Region
– Pierre Aschieri, Mayor of Mouans-Sartoux
Positive Energy Territories Network Members :
– Michel Maya, Mayor of Tramayes
– Michel Aurambout, Vice President of the Vichy agglomeration Community in charge of sustainable development, Mayor of Busset
– Guillaume Coutey, Mayor of the Commune of Malaunay
– Patrick Barbier, Mayor of the Commune of Muttersholtz,
– Daniel Lenoir, President of the Mont des Avaloirs Community of Municipalities
– Bernard Chaverot, Vice-President for Energy Transition and Waste Management of the Community of Communes of the Monts du Lyonnais Mountains
– Philippe Portier, National Secretary of the CFDT
– Bernadette Groison, General Secretary of the Fédération Syndicale Unitaire
Consumer associations
– Alain Bazot, President of the UFC-Que choisir
Religious World
– Pastor François Clavairoly, President of the Protestant Federation of France
– Minh Tri Vo, President of the Buddhist Union of France
– Anouar Kbibech, Vice President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith and President of the Rassemblement des Musulmans de France (French Muslims Gathering)
– Mgr Bruno Feillet, Auxiliary Bishop of Reims and President of the Family and Society Council, French Bishops’ Conference
– Martin Kopp, President of the Ecology – Climate Justice Commission of the Protestant Federation of France
– Elena Lasida, Ecology and Society Officer, French Bishops’ Conference
– Alain Paillard, Secretary General of Justice and Peace-France
Economic players
– Olivier Perot, Chairman of France Energie Eolienne
– Bertil de Fos, Director General of Auxilia Conseil
– Emmanuel Soulias, Chief Executive Officer of Enercoop
– Guillaume Riou, President of the National Federation of Organic Agriculture
– Jean-Luc Fessard, Chairman of « Bon pour le Climat » (Good for the Climate)
– Gilles Lanio, President of the National Union of French Beekeeping
– Gilles Pérole, President of » Un plus Bio « .
– Xavier Hamon, President of the Slow Food Alliance of French Chefs