At the end of the two days of interactions, meetings, discussions and workshops leading to sectoral roadmaps established by non-state African actors, this plenary will serve as an opportunity to take stock of the activities accomplished and to consider the next steps in the mobilisation of African territorial actors in the fight against climate change.
We would like this plenary to adopt the format of a Talanoa Dialogue, inspired by a Fijian tradition and the Fijian Presidency of COP23, based on the 3 questions: Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there?
The third question will be of particular interest, as it will give structure to the final work achieved during the workshops over those two days. The commitment of African non-state actors from all backgrounds in the battle against climate change will be the main topic of this closing plenary session. This meeting will rely on speeches of key players from the 9 major NGO groups recognised by the UNFCCC: Local governments and municipal authorities, Business and Industry, Environmental organisations, Research, Indigenous peoples’ organisations, Women organisations, Youth organisations, Farmers and agricultural organisations, and Trade unions organisations.
Led by Bernard Soulage, Secretary General of the Climate Chance Association, and et Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of UCLG-Africa.
Presentation of new initiatives and commitments
- The Sustainable Urban Alliance: Mohamed Amine El Hajhouj, CEO of the Zenata Development Corporation, Morocco
- Ambassadors’ network for the Covenant of Mayors Office for Sub-Saharan Africa (speaker to be confirmed): Felice Zaccheo, Head of sustainable energy and climate change Unit, DG DEVCO, European Commission.
- Climate Action Portal of Climate Chance
Signing ceremony of the Declaration of the local and regional african authorities of Africa « Fighting together against Climate Chance in Africa ».
Closing plenary session in the form of a Talanoa Dialogue
Presentation of the Abidjan Declaration by Dr Eugène Aouélé AKA, former Minister and Chairman of the ARDCI, Assembly of Ivory Coast’s Regions and Districts, and Ronan Dantec, President of the Climate Chance Association.
Report on the priorities outlined by the 10 African roadmaps:
- Workshop 1: Facilitating access by non-state African actors to climate funding: Vincent N’Cho Kouaoh, Vice-Gouvernor Abidjan Autonomous District and Vice-president of the FMDV.
- Workshop 2: Education and training: membre de CliMates, Togo, and/or INP-HB, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.
- Workshop 3: Sustainable town planning of African cities: membre of MTPA, Mali.
- Workshop 4: Activating territorial climate plans in African territories: an elected official from the CoMSSA.
- Workshop 5: Developing sustainable agriculture that conserves the soil and fosters reforestation: member Togo WelFare, Togo
- Workshop 6: Stepping up access to renewable energies and energy efficiency in Africa: membre du World Future Council, Tanzanie
- Workshop 7: Fostering sustainable mobility and transport in Africa: …, Maroc
- Workshop 8: Anticipating adaptation issues in Africa, especially with respect to water resources: membre du Réseau Climat & Développement.
- Workshop 9: Sustainable buildings and construction: an elected official from ICLEI Africa.
- Workshop 10: Forming sustainable sectors: Marcel Yao, REFACC, Ivory Coast.
Debate on the necessary cooperation between States and Non-state actors :
- Tomasz Chruszczow, High-Level Champion for Climate Action, UNFCCC.
- Anne-Désirée Ouloto, Minister of Urban Sanitation, Environment and Sustainable Development of the Ivory Coast (to be confirmed)
- Nicolas Hulot, Minister of State, Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France (to be confirmed).
- Gustave Sanon, resident representative of the WAEMU Commission
- Luc Gnacadja, Special Representative of the LoCAL Programme board UNCDF, Former Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Former Minister of Environment and Urban Development, Benin