Rooftop PV on Public Buildings: Cities in Cameroun and SSA engage in the energy sector
The session aims at presenting rooftop photovoltaic on city-owned sites (city hall, markets, hospitals) as an economically viable and effective solution for local governments´ to enhance access to clean and resilient energy while creating financial savings through lower energy bills.
The session will provide concrete results from public buildings in Cameroon and other SSA countries to showcase the viability of rooftop projects. A panel composed of financiers, the private sector, and local governments, will discuss present cooperation opportunities, challenges and the way forward to realize rooftop PV projects on city-owned sites.
This session is presented as part of the Urban Smart Energy (USE) product of the Covenant of Mayors Sub-Saharan Africa. USE is a standardized support product for local governments (LGs) for assessing the potential of the LG’s real estate portfolio for sustainable energy projects.
Organized by:
- DUE (tbc)
- INTPA Representative (tbc)
- Ekotto Ndemba Simon, Directeur de l’Environnement, de la Santé et du Cadre de Vie (DESCV)
- Abdoul -Bagui Yaouba, Directeur des Services Techniques, Communauté Urbaine de Garoua
- Société Camerounaise d’Equipement /EIB
- AFD/Proparco Representative (tbc)
- Bercotech Representative (tbc)

- Olive Sirnone Madjonre, Secretary General, Garoua District 2
This session is moderated by:
- Mireille Atangana, Project Advisor, Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoMSSA)
- Robert Kirchner, GIZ