Moving Towards Green & Inclusive Mobility in Africa
Africa is experiencing an unprecedented motorization rate spurred by high rates of urbanization and economic growth. The demands on city space and services often outpace the ability of planners to respond, resulting in challenging outcomes for infrastructure development and mobility services. In many African cities, informal and unregulated transport are the most common mode of transportation. Despite the necessity of these services, Informal transport presents a challenge to local authorities and transport operators to regulate (environment, safety, labor etc. ) and integrate these services into multi-modal mass transit networks.
This session focuses on innovative solutions that African cities are employing to respond and adapt to these pressures and will introduce MoVe Yaoundé, a new Team Europe approach, to transform Yaoundé towards a sustainable and inclusive transport future.
Organised by:
- Rigobert Kilu, Project Manager, GIZ Cameroon

- Anne Chaussavoine, Transport Project Team Lead, AFD

- Charlène Kouassi, Director, Movin’On LAB Africa

- Arnauld Ndzana, Technical Advisor, CUY

- Christian Bedga, Focal Point Cameroon, UN Habitat

This session is moderated by:
- Luc Gnacadja, Vice-president of Climate Chance, Former Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Planning of Benin, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Founder and President of Governance & Policies for Sustainable Development (GPS-Dev)