Opening Plenary: The challenges of sustainable, accessible and inclusive housing in Africa

In Africa, faced with the challenges posed by global warming, increasing urbanization, the housing crisis and access to energy, both urban and rural housing must reinvent themselves and find ways to be resilient. This situation calls for integrated strategies to promote sustainable, inclusive and accessible housing for all. All players – national authorities, local governments, entrepreneurs, formal and informal players, residents – have a role to play in bringing about these transformations in representations and in building and living practices.
To open the Sustainable Habitat and Climate Change Conference in Africa, this plenary session highlights the challenges of sustainable, accessible and inclusive housing for all, and proposes solutions to strengthen the sustainability of African cities.

- Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance Association, Senator of Pays de la Loire

Special message:
- Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme – UN Habitat (video)

- Walters Tubua, Head of Lomé Regional Collaboration Center, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Panel discussion:

- Augustin Tamba, President of United Councils and Cities of Cameroon (UCCC), Mayor of Yaoundé 7

- Palalou Mindjiyaoua, Third Deputy Mayor of Yaoundé, in charge of hygiene and sanitation, and urban disorder control, City of Yaoundé

- Jean Christophe Ndongo, President of the National Order of Architects of Cameroon

- Cyrille Moukoko Ndoumbe, BiO³ Ethic & Frugal Architect, Expert, Researcher, Trainer in Sustainability at ESSACA, Ex-Advisor in charge of the development of architecture and sustainable urbanism at the National Order of Architects of Cameroon.

- Stéphanie Njiomo, Global Compact Ambassador for the Environment in Cameroon

- Virginie Dago, Director of AFD Cameroon

This session is moderated by:
- Luc Gnacadja, Vice-president of Climate Chance, Former Minister of Environment, Housing and Urban Planning of Benin, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Founder and President of Governance & Policies for Sustainable Development (GPS-Dev)