Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Summit
Europe in a +4° world: can scientists explain it?
At +4°C, Europe will experience unprecedented disruptions: extended heatwaves, water shortages, agricultural losses, and stressed infrastructure.
But how far can science really go? Do we have the tools to understand, predict, and turn these changes into actionable adaptation strategies?
This conference will bring together experts, researchers, and climatologists to assess the current state of knowledge, explore potential scenarios, and examine the limits of our understanding.
- Virginie Schwarz, CEO, Météo France
- Christophe Cassou, Climatologist, research director at the CNRS, in the Climat Environnement Couplage & Uncertainty laboratory at Cerfacs (European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing, Toulouse)
- François Gemenne, FNRS researcher, President of the Scientific Council of the Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme
- Bettina Laville, Honorary Chair of the Committee 21
- Elina Bardram, Director for Adaptation & Resilience, Communication, and Civil Society Relations and Mission Manager for the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, DG for Climate Action, European Commission
Moderator: Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance
Rapporteur: Jean-François SOUSSANA, President of the Haut Conseil pour le Climat, INRAE International Advisor