Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate 2022

Session 1 – Climate and biodiversity : how to converge agendas and funding

Biodiversity and Great Green Wall Day | Session 1

Description :

At a time when biodiversity losses are occurring at an unprecedented rate, accelerated, among other things, by the effects of climate change, the COP 15 on biodiversity in December 2022 will be a crucial step. The determination of an appropriate governance framework is at stake, as well as the definition of objectives, appropriate financing, and efficient measurement and reporting tools.

COP 27, which will take place beforehand, must take into account these issues and the different interactions – now proven – between biodiversity and climate. In the light of these upcoming events, how can we link these different themes and ensure that they find appropriate responses commensurate with the urgency?

The session will be moderated by

  • Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance Association, Senator for Loire Atlantique, CEMR’s spokesperson on climate change

Speakers :


🔎 The Climate Chance Observatory’s lens

  • Antoine Gillod, Director of the Climate Chance Observatory

Find the publications of the Observatory here.

  • Yusuf Maïna Bukar, General Director – National Agency for the Great Green Wall (Nigeria), representing the Minister of Environment of Nigeria.
  • Emmanuel Baudran, Deputy Executive Director of AFD’s Sustainable Development Solutions Directorate (SDS), in charge of infrastructure
  • Titilope Akosa, Civil Society Observer (Global South), Green Climate Fund
  • Mr. Madické Seck, reforestation-compensation project manager, Océanium