Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate 2022
Joint Plenary: Sustainable mobility and Just Transition: Towards the COP27 and the African Union Agenda 2063
Sustainable mobility and Just Transition: Towards the COP27 and the African Union Agenda 2063
Although mobility of citizens is a common thread of societal and climate issues around the world, it is not understood and organised in the same way everywhere. This session aims to launch the debate on public policies for transport and global mobility. Speakers will talk about the major lessons of 40 years of support from CODATU and more recently Climate Chance. Finally, the debate will focus on the prerequisites and the mobilizable potential both in Africa and in the rest of the world, to achieve a just transition.
This session is moderated by:
- Marie-Hélène Chapel, Codatu
Speakers and programme:
1. Review of 40 years of CODATU conferences and future perspectives
- Thierno Aw, General Director of CETUD
- Xavier Godard, Scientific Expert, CODATU
- Azara Remalia Nfond Dibie Sanogo, Food and Climate Justice program Regional advisor, West Africa regional platform, Oxfam International
2. Round table discussion
- François Durovray, President of CODATU
- Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance
Governance and territorial planning
- Meite Bouaké, President of the African Public Transport Union, UITP Africa Division
- Jean-Yves Kiettyetta, Director General of the Executive Council of Urban Transport of Ouagadougou (CTGO of Ouagadougou)
- Bruno Bernard, President of Greater Lyon
- Yawo Winny DOGBATSÈ, Mayor of Kloto, Togo; President of the Regional Forum of the Convention of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoMSSA)
- Charlène Kouassi, Director of Movin’On Lab Africa
- Andy Costa, Bicycle Ambassador for Africa, President, MyDREAM for Africa
- Vincent Larondelle, Monitoring-Evaluation and Reporting Manager, MobiliseYourCity
Access to finance
- Ibou Diouf, World Bank
- Emmanuel Baudran, Deputy Executive Director of AFD’s Sustainable Development Solutions (SDS) Department
- Titilope Akosa, Executive Director, Centre for 21st Century Issues, Global South Civil Society Evaluator, Green Fund
- Romain Kouakou, Director of the Urban Mobility Authority in Greater Abidjan (AMUGA)
- Karl Peet, Senior Advisor, SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport
- Alioune Badara Diop, Deputy Mayor of Saint Louis, DG of the Office des Lacs et Cours d’Eau