Week for Sustainable Mobility and Climate 2022
Joint Plenary Session: Energy Transitions, Climate and Urban Mobility
Energy Transitions, Climate and Urban Mobility
More than ever, the question of the energy transition of transport systems and, more broadly, of all our activities is being asked. The climatic, geographical and geostrategic reasons are only getting stronger. During this plenary session we will hear the views and experiences of local authorities, transport authorities and companies on this major issue as well as the strategies of the States and in particular of Senegal to ensure this necessary transition.
Moderator :

- Bernard Soulage, Secretary General of Climate Chance, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the GART

- Thierno Aw, Director General of Cetud

- Khadim Cissé, Director of Studies and Strategy, CETUD

- Pierre Lahutte, Director, Forsee Power

- Jonathan Kouassi, Head of Sustainable Finance, Société Générale

- Manuel de Araujo, Mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique

- Jerry Ndayishimiye, Marketing and Public Relations Manager, Safi Universal Link

- Stephane Beaudet, Vice President of the Île-de-France region in charge of transport and President of the Île-de-France Mayors’ Association
- Yakhya Badiane, environmental expert in the Hydrocarbons Directorate (TBC)