Mobility: Urban Passenger Transport & Urban Goods Logistics – Accelerating the changes in progress
Mobility: Urban Passenger Transport & Urban Goods Logistics – Accelerating the changes in progress
In its 2021 Global Synthesis Report on local climate action, the Climate Chance Observatory describes the strategies adopted by public and private actors to rebuild sustainable urban mobility after it had been weakened by the pandemic. On the one hand, the rise of electric buses, the upswing in cycling, and shared electric micro-mobility systems are encouraging signals for both the decarbonisation and the diversification of funding sources for public transport. But such strategies are hampered by market concentration and multiple shortages of 2021, and, apart from a few local initiatives, they still struggle to integrate gender issues and social inequalities. So how can these issues be better taken into account and moved up a notch?
Thematic draft proposals for the mplementation of the European Green Deal
You can send your comments and recommendations to: contribution@climate-chance.

- Bernard Soulage, Secretary General of Climate Chance Association

- Patrick Oliva, Co-founder of the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate
🔎 The Climate Chance Observatory’s lens

- Samuel Laval, Research Officer at the Climate Chance Observatory
Extracts from the Global Synthesis Report on local climate action 2022 and the Sector-based Report 2021. Check out the Observatory’s publications here

- David Brehon, President of Air Pays de la Loire and Air, Climate, and Energy contact person for Atmo France

- Marie Chéron, Head of Mobility, Fondation pour la Nature et l’Homme

- Yann Briand, Researcher in Climate, Energy, and Transport Policies, IDDRI

- Dominique Breuil, Sustainable development expert, CODATU

- Annie-Claude Thiolat, President of Place au Vélo, Vice-President of the Fédération des Usagers de la Bicyclette

- Fabien Jouron, Pays de la Loire Regional Delegate of La Poste Group

- Aziliz Gouez, Nantes City Councillor, 17th Vice President of Nantes Metropole

- Guy Le Bras, Director General, GART