Closing Plenary: How can we finance sustainable urban development?
Africa is both the continent most vulnerable to climate change and the least prepared to cope with its impacts. Some 97% of the victims of climate risks are in Africa. At the same time, the continent accounts for just 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Yet even today, despite the international community’s commitments, Africa receives only 12% of the funding it needs to manage the impacts of climate change.
Access to financing for local and regional actors remains a fundamental challenge if we are to support sustainable, resilient urban development.
During this plenary session, a panel of experts and practitioners will take stock of existing difficulties, as well as mechanisms and next steps to strengthen access to financing for local actors in urban development in Africa.

Special Guest:
- Yannick Noah, Chief of Etourdi Village

Yaounde Roadmap Presentation:
- Ronan Dantec, Senator of Pays de la Loire, President of Climate Chance Association
Feeadbacks on the Roadmap:

- Ernestine Leikeki, Gender and Environment Officer, Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW)

- Luc Gnacadja, Former UNCCD Executive Secretary, former Minister of the Environment and Urban Development of Benin
Feedbacks from experts:

- Papa Ameth Keita, Urba Sen Coordinator / winner of the 2023 Prix de l’Habitat

- Mélissa Kerim Dikeni, Regional Representative for Africa, GCoM-Gap Fund Programme

- Vincent Kitio, Head of Urban Energy Unit, UN Habitat

- Thierry Marchand, French Ambassador to Cameroon

- Georges Elanga Obam, Minister of Decentralization and Local Development of Cameroon