European funding for the local government’s climate action
European funding for the local government’s climate action
The European objectives for biodiversity protection, environment, climate and energy are now included in the Green Deal. It constitutes a strong commitment by the European Commission to a development strategy that aims to be climate neutral by 2050. The multi-annual financial framework (2021-2027), European policies supporting the development of territories such as the cohesion policy, and European sectoral programmes are also used to serve the European objectives linked to the Green Deal.
Indeed, 30% of the MFF will have to be devoted to climate objectives and the Union has also set annual spending targets for biodiversity (7.5% by 2024). European funding is an essential support for local and regional authorities. It enables them to carry out investment projects, more innovative projects or cooperation projects. The objectives, modalities and implementation frameworks of these programmes are different. The training aims to present the main policies and financing tools of interest to the climate and environmental action of local authorities. The modalities and conditions of intervention of these programmes, the relevant resources and contacts.
It will also be based on testimonies from local authorities that have benefited from these schemes. Pedagogical objectives
– To know the main sources of European funding
– To know the conditions of implementation of these schemes
Workshop set up by

- Eva Banos de Guisasola, Sustainable Development Goals, Global Agendas and Climate Advisor, PLATFORMA

- Pierre ABLINE, Director of European Policies, Pays de la Loire Region

- Eero AILIO, Energy Transition and Local Governance Advisor, Head of Unit, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

- Delphine GOUJON, Head of the European Action Department, European Policies Directorate, Pays de la Loire Region

- Frédéric BOYER, Covenant of Mayors and TOMORROW Project Manager, Energy Cities

- Grégoire Chauvière Le Drian, Head of EIB Group Office in France, European Investment Bank (EIB)

- Julie Laernoes, Vice-President for Climate, Energy and Food Transition, Agriculture, Resilience and Economic Change at Nantes Métropole (to be confirmed)

- Guillaume Chanson, Project Officer, MySmartLife