Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022
Recommendations for a Gender-inclusive European Green Deal and EU Climate Policies
Recommendations for a Gender-inclusive European Green Deal and EU Climate Policies
Today the EU Green Deal remains largely gender-blind, and therefore not developing all the potential of all EU citizens to contribute to the climate objectifs. Many policies and instruments can be shaped to take into account the views of the whole of the society. Will we be able to reach the transformative impact needed for a just and inclusive transition towards a sustainable future?
Thematic draft proposals for the mplementation of the European Green Deal
You can send your comments and recommendations to: contribution@climate-chance.
Lead Organisations


- Kata Tüttő, Deputy-Mayor of Budapest, Chair of the ENVE Commission of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), CoR rapporteur on ‘Gender equality and climate change’

- Donatella Porzi, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Umbria, Member of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR),CoR rapporteur on ‘The gender dimension of structural and cohesion funds 2021-2027

- Gabrielle Köehler, Senior Research Associate at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development and Member of Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)

- Katharina Wiese, Policy Officer for Economic Transition and Gender Equality

- Anne Barre, Gender and Climate Policy Coordinator, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)