Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Summit

The strategic role of the circular economy


The circular economy is a key strategic factor in adaptation to climate change by promoting waste reduction, resource optimization, and the resilience of economic systems. This workshop will focus on the management of electronic waste, whose increasing volume presents significant environmental and health challenges.


  • Yannick Fleret, Commercial Director, Climatopolis Smart Cities, EU Climate Pact Ambassador

  • Mathilde Jay, Communication Officer for the general public and young people at ADEME and Coordinator of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR)
  • Emmanuelle Ledoux, Managing Director, National Institute for the Circular Economy (INEC)

  • Paolo Marengo, Programme Director and Environment specialist, ACR+
  • Jean-Baptiste Sandoz, EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Moderator: Lola Ott, Managing Director, Compagny Project France, Managing Director Fiumitech, co-founder Octop’us