In the lead-up to COP28, the first Global Stocktake must enable us to assess our collective progress in implementing the Paris Agreement while ensuring climate justice across the world. In this context, the IPCC AR6 (WGII-Chapter 18) acknowledges that climate finance remains largely insufficient and inadequate, especially considering persisting gender inequalities and the needs of affected communities. Frontline actors are left with no support to build their resilience and sustain the integrity of our ecosystems.
How can we achieve a paradigm shift towards equitable financing and response measures to the multiple intersecting climate, biodiversity and economic crises humanity is facing? How can we ensure that climate finance does not increase the debt burden of developing countries, thus preventing their ability to act sustainably?
Organised by:

- Ernestine Leikeki, Director, Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW)

- Dorothée Lisenga, President of the Executive of Femmes Autochtones et Communautés Locales pour le Développement Durable et Participatif (FACID) and of the Coalition des Femmes Leaders pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable (CFLEDD)

- Aïssatou Diagne, Senior Climate Change Officer at the West African Development Bank

- Blondel Silenou, Country coordinator, CSOs readiness to the GCF – focus Africa, Project Executive Director, Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE) Cameroon

- Durando Ndongsok, Director General, S2 Services

This session is moderated by:
- Anne Barre, Treasurer of Climate Chance, Gender and Climate Policy Coordinator for WECF (Women Engage for a Common Future)