Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Summit

Unlocking Funding for Local Adaptation Efforts


In today’s challenging economic environment, securing the necessary funding is crucial for European cities to drive the large-scale social, economic, and infrastructure transformations required for climate neutrality and adaptation. Public and private funding must be better aligned with local action and investment plans, such as the Climate Contracts developed by cities participating in the EU Mission.

What challenges does financing adaptation pose for local authorities? How can we mobilize resources to meet these needs? What financial mechanisms and public instruments can be leveraged? Which needs should be prioritized, and which stakeholders should be supported? Several cities from the EU “Smart and Climate-Neutral Cities” mission will share their needs, challenges, and successes with the European and national levels to improve synergy in adaptation funding at different levels.


  • Lou Bachelier-Degras, Climate Chance Observatory
  • Marion Fetet, Climate and Territory Project Manager, I4CE
  • Pauline Lavaud, Director of Ecological Transition and Climate, City of Paris
  • Jean-Patrick Masson, VP of Dijon Metropolitan Council, in charge of ecological transition, energy spokesman for France Urbaine
  • Fabien Perez, Councillor responsible for European funding, City of Marseille
  • Johan Ransquin, Director of Adaptation, Development and Low-Carbon Trajectories, ADEME
  • Laurence Roux, Head of Territorial Engineering, Caisse des Dépôts Group

Moderator: Claire Roumet, Strategic Partnerships and General Coordination, Energy Cities