Strategies for reducing import emissions
While the European Union’s territorial CO2 emissions have been decreasing for several years, imported emissions are constantly increasing. By imported emissions we mean greenhouse gases emitted on other continents for the manufacture and transportation of products consumed in Europe. Today, imported emissions are rarely or poorly taken into account in strategies to combat climate change and can no longer be ignored in climate policies. But, the subject is complex, between the refusal to change our lifestyles when it comes to importing food for our livestock and the difficulty of getting exporting countries to accept our own rules.
How can we better calculate them? How can we set up alternative supply chains? What place does carbon legislation have at the EU’s borders? What are the possibilities of controlling these emissions?
Thematic draft proposals for the mplementation of the European Green Deal
You can send your comments and recommendations to: contribution@climate-chance.

- Jérôme Boutang, Executive Director, CITEPA (French Technical Center on Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases)

- Bruno Rebelle, General Manager, Transitions

- Sébastien Soleille, Head of Energy Transition and Environment, BNP Paribas

- Aurélien Sautière, Executive Director, FSC Label France

- Antoine Meunier, Agriculture and Food Advocacy Officer, WWF France