Workshop 4 “How to guarantee access to clean and renewable energy in Africa?”
Co-pilots of the coalition
- REFACC tbc
- ICLEI Africa
- World Future Council (WFC) + local partners tbc
- CAN Tanzania tbc
- Schneider Electric
- Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables
Africa is still facing high energy access needs for its population in order to pursue its economic and social development. But it is also a continent rich in water resources, wind and solar, which must decide how to operate its energy transition, in concert with the actors of the territories. Renewable energies and local energy production present an opportunity to increase access to low carbon energy and job creation. This workshop will bring together actors from the energy sector, local authorities, but also associations, researchers or private operators, to showcase good practices and propose a common roadmap to accelerate the territorial energy transition in Africa.
- Pro Climate International, Cameroon à confirmer
Project: The Cameroon Heat Retention Cooker Bag Project Bag Project
- Oxfam in Sierra Leone
Project: Promoting Renewable Energy Services for Social Development in Sierra Leone
(PRESSD-SL)- Abibiman Foundation
Project: Abibiman Mewar Angithi Clean Stove innovation
- SELCO Foundation à confirmer
Project: Developing Sustainable Energy Ecosystem in Tanzania
- MircoEnergy International à confirmer
Project: Clean Energy Promotion through Microfinance in Ethiopia
- ICLEI Africa
- Schneider Electric