Workshop 7: Fostering sustainable mobility and transport in Africa
Fostering sustainable mobility and transport in Africa
Africa is currently faced with extremely high demographic growth, as well as a sharp increase in mobility needs. Transport means are developing very fast, and in parallel to a sharp increase in local, regional and international travel. The various means for travelling in Africa overlap and contribute to the fast-paced changes in transport systems.
The population scattered across increasingly vast areas is due to the rise in transport possibilities; long distance migrations are possible due to the improvement of infrastructure and transport services; and urban growth has resulted in great urban sprawl. Public and mobility administration policies require consultations with all territorial stakeholders and can draw inspiration from practices in other regions in particular, by relying on decentralised cooperation efforts (South-South, North-South, South-North).
This workshop will aim to bring together key African and international actors from the mobility and transport sector in order to work on a roadmap that is common and applicable to the African context.
Carried by:

Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC)

L’Oreille Consulting

