Workshop 8: Anticipating adaptation issues in Africa, especially with respect to water resources
Anticipating adaptation issues in Africa, especially with respect to water resources
In light of often low supply of water resources due to climate changes, population increase and greater pressure on every form of water resource usage in Africa, competition between the various forms of usages is heightened.
How can we deal with the competition between the various forms of water usages given the precariousness in available supply? In this workshop, various actors will come together to debate the various uses of water, practices that foster shared and multi-usage management of the resource, multi-actor and multi-level governance modes to implement.
Carried by: Réseau Climat et Développement (RC&D), RIOB, PFE, Water coalition (Coalition eau), SIWI, Suez Environment and Eau-Vive.
With the support of: OIF, IFDD and OFQJ.

Climate and Development Network (Réseau climat et développement – RC&D)

International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)

French Water Partnership (FWP)

Water Coalition



Eau-Vive International

Réseau Eau et Climat des Organisations de jeunes en Afrique Centrale (RECOJAC)
With the support of:

International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF)

Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD)

Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)