Workshop 8 “How to deeper sensibilize, educate aand train people of all generations in Africa to better prepare them to climate change issues?”

Co-pilots of the coalition

  • CliMates tbc
  • OJEDD TOGO tbc
  • Les Petits Débrouillards tbc
  • RAEDD tbc
  • Institut National Polytechnique – Houphouet-Boigny tbc
  • Ecole des Métiers de l’Environnement / UniLaSalle tbc
  • France Volontaires tbc
  • ICLEI tbc


In Africa, where the population is very young, education and vocational training are major elements in the fight against poverty and adaptation to climate change that particularly affects the continent. Africa also has great potential for enhancing local and traditional knowledge in this context of adaptation to climate change. The promotion of integrated and multi-sectoral educational and formative action is key.

This action aims at a multidisciplinary approach that would allow different training disciplines to be integrated. This workshop will bring together actors involved in education and training at the level of African territories, to showcase their good practices and agree on a common strategy for the sector.


  • Syndicat des travailleurs de l’agriculture, pêche vétérinaire et de l’environnement du Rwanda « STAVER » tbc
  • Wastesmart Green-Project Foundation tbc
  • Young Earth System Scientists (YESS)
  • African Forect Forum (AFF)
  • RAEDD tbc